About Terri Fisher

Terri Fisher Gottman counseling in Itasca. Terri Fisher, MS, LMFT, EAP

If you want to have Gottman Method Couples Therapy, you should look for someone who is Level 3 Gottman Certified — like me!  Don’t settle for a therapist who has only read Gottman’s books.  Likewise, if you’re interested in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), find someone who has the Eagala Certification — also like me!

Terri Fisher EAGALA counseling in Rexburg


Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, 2024.
M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy, 2015.
B.S. in Family Relations, 1985.

License & Certifications

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Texas (# 203873).
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Idaho (# 7722).
Level 3 Certified in Gottman Method of couples and family counseling.
Certified in Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (Eagala) method of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.
Certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) trauma and change therapy.
Certified in Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT) trauma therapy.
Certified Motivational Interviewing Instructor
POST Certified Level 1 Reserve Police Officer in Idaho (important if you’re a cop!).

Call or Text (208) 206-3860 for a consultation with Terri Fisher at Fireproof Counseling.

Newspaper Articles about Me

I lived a very different life before becoming a marriage and family therapist!  Here are some newspaper articles about me as a Sheriff Deputy for Fremont County, Idaho, an Ordinance Officer for Rexburg, Idaho, and a Women’s Personal Safety Instructor:

Terri Fisher does Gottman, EAGALA, and home visit counseling in Rexburg.

The article above earned me the nickname, “Snow Cop”!

Terri Fisher does Gottman, EAGALA, and home visit counseling in Rexburg.

Ask me about the moose trapped in someone’s basement!

Terri Fisher does Gottman, EAGALA, and home visit counseling in Rexburg.

Most of my dogs over the years have been rescued “pound puppies”.

Terri Fisher does Gottman, EAGALA, and home visit counseling in Rexburg.

Terri Fisher does Gottman, EAGALA, and home visit counseling in Rexburg.

I also conducted firearms training for women and reserve police officers.

Call or Text (208) 206-3860 for a consultation with Terri Fisher at Fireproof Counseling.